

Halting Harm in Scotland’s Essential Fish Habitats
Halt­ing Harm in Scotland’s Essen­tial Fish Habitats

Open Seas Trust

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Better Management for Sharks & Rays
Bet­ter Man­age­ment for Sharks & Rays

International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)

Secur­ing sus­tain­able trade lim­its for sharks

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Ocean Campus
Ocean Cam­pus

Surfrider Foundation Europe

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Microplastic Prevalence in the Weddell Sea Region
Microplas­tic Preva­lence in the Wed­dell Sea Region

Nekton Foundation

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Citizen Science Tackling Urban Plastic Pollution
Cit­i­zen Sci­ence Tack­ling Urban Plas­tic Pollution

University of Portsmouth

Har­ness­ing cit­i­zen sci­ence to tack­le urban and coastal ocean plas­tic pollution

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Ocean Plastic Policy Hub
Ocean Plas­tic Pol­i­cy Hub

University of Portsmouth

An ocean plas­tics pol­i­cy hub to sup­port improved plas­tics pol­i­cy and greater pub­lic accountability

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Enforcing Marine Protection to Curb Land-based Plastic Pollution
Enforc­ing Marine Pro­tec­tion to Curb Land-based Plas­tic Pollution


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Peak Plastic Foundation

A new nar­ra­tive cam­paign to change a public’s under­stand­ing of plas­tic before it’s con­sumed. And who bears the burden.

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Climate, Biodiversity & Overfishing
Cli­mate, Bio­di­ver­si­ty & Overfishing

Our Fish

Refram­ing pub­lic con­cep­tion on the end­ing of over­fish­ing as deci­sive action on the bio­di­ver­si­ty and cli­mate emergencies

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Surf Protected Area Networks
Surf Pro­tect­ed Area Networks

Save the Waves

Har­ness­ing the pow­er of the surf tourism indus­try to cre­ate addi­tion­al marine pro­tect­ed areas

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EU Fishing Fleet Monitoring
EU Fish­ing Fleet Monitoring

Global Fishing Watch

Under­stand­ing the con­duct and impact of the EU fish­ing fleets on Mediter­ranean MPAs

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Plastic Food
Plas­tic Food

Plastic Soup Foundation

Putting one of the biggest sources of microplas­tics pol­lu­tion – the agri­cul­tur­al sec­tor – on the pub­lic agenda

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