Rewil­d­ing the North Sea

Wereld Natu­ur Fonds-Nederland

The Dog­ger Bank is the per­fect North Sea area to pro­vide sharks and rays with a safe, nutri­ent-rich habi­tat. It is a large, shal­low sand bank, near­ly the size of Bel­gium, at the heart of the North Sea. How­ev­er, the area is severe­ly degrad­ed, even though it is des­ig­nat­ed as a pro­tect­ed nature area under the nation­al laws of the Nether­lands, UK and Germany. 

WNF aims to turn this area from an indus­tri­al area into a safe habi­tat for sharks and rays. The project will com­bine lessons learned in active restora­tion of sharks, rays and oys­ter reefs as well as in marine pro­tec­tion, leg­is­la­tion and policies

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