Halt­ing Harm in Scotland’s Essen­tial Fish Habitats

Open Seas Trust

Scotland’s coastal fish pop­u­la­tions have suf­fered from long term declines due to over­fish­ing and dec­i­ma­tion of habitats. 

Open Seas Trust aims to devel­op an enhanced under­stand­ing of the loca­tions and extents of nurs­ery, spawn­ing and juve­nile fish habi­tats in Scotland’s seas, and doc­u­ment and com­mu­ni­cate their degrad­ed sta­tus as well as their poten­tial to help recov­er the health of the sea – in order to com­mu­ni­cate the need to take into account these areas in man­age­ment and pur­chas­ing decisions.

For more information visit: https://www.openseas.org.uk/