Ocean Heroes Network

Cap­tain Plan­et Foundation

The Ocean Heroes project con­nects youth (ages 11 – 18) around the world based on their shared pas­sion for the health of the ocean, and their readi­ness to work on its behalf — unlock­ing the agency of emerg­ing glob­al youth lead­ers to cre­ate sys­temic change and to reroute humanity’s rela­tion­ship to our shared ocean and each other.

Young peo­ple become part of the Ocean Heroes Net­work by attend­ing a free, one-day Basic Train­ing to learn the skills and strate­gies nec­es­sary to cre­ate impact­ful cam­paigns. They are then invit­ed to join a free, mul­ti-day Ocean Heroes Boot­camp where they expe­ri­ence advanced train­ing, access to experts, peer men­tor­ship, strate­gic and sys­tems think­ing, and are giv­en access to the resources need­ed to devel­op their cam­paign plans, iden­ti­fy col­lab­o­ra­tors, and get to work! Post Boot­camp, Ocean Heroes are sup­port­ed as they imple­ment their cam­paign plans by peer and adult coach­es, small grants, and through month­ly skill build­ing work­shops and the shar­ing of youth suc­cess stories.

For more information visit: https://oceanheroeshq.com/