

Preventing Plastic Pollution in the World’s Oceans
Pre­vent­ing Plas­tic Pol­lu­tion in the World’s Oceans


A mar­ket devel­op­ment approach to enable zero-waste lifestyles

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Working to protect the ocean
Work­ing to pro­tect the ocean

Blue Marine Foundation

Top-down inter­ven­tion to improve gov­er­nance of the seas

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Cultivating Solutions
Cul­ti­vat­ing Solutions

North Sea Foundation

Set­ting the scene for safe, respon­si­ble, and nature-enhanc­ing aqua­cul­ture in off­shore wind farms

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Green Whale
Green Whale

Whale & Dolphin Conservation

Mobil­is­ing whales and dol­phins as nat­ur­al allies in ocean recov­ery and the cli­mate crisis

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Rewilding the North Sea
Rewil­d­ing the North Sea

Wereld Natuur Fonds-Nederland

Restor­ing habi­tats for sharks and rays

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Ocean Heroes Network
Ocean Heroes Network

Captain Planet Foundation

Con­nect­ing youth around the world based on their shared pas­sion for the health of the ocean

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Microfiber Partnership
Microfiber Part­ner­ship

Ocean Wise

Inno­vat­ing to Elim­i­nate Microfiber Pollution

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Mission Reuse
Mis­sion Reuse

Natuur & Milieu

Mak­ing reusables the new nor­mal in every­day life

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Brand Audits 2021
Brand Audits 2021

Break Free from Plastic

Demand­ing cor­po­rate account­abil­i­ty through glob­al brand audits.

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Education for Antarctic Conservation (phase 2)
Edu­ca­tion for Antarc­tic Con­ser­va­tion (phase 2)

Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)

Edu­cat­ing school stu­dents for Antarc­tic con­ser­va­tion through the Wed­dell Sea Expe­di­tion experience

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Balearic MPA Pride
Balearic MPA Pride

Marilles Foundation

Improv­ing the effec­tive­ness of marine pro­tect­ed areas in the Span­ish Balearics through local com­mu­ni­ty engagement

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Save the Waves Mobile App
Save the Waves Mobile App

Save the Waves

Mobi­liz­ing the Surf Com­mu­ni­ty to Pro­tect the Ocean and Coasts

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