Zero Waste Living Lab Indonesia – Year 2
A market development approach to enable zero-waste lifestyles
Education for Antarctic Conservation
Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
Educating school students for Antarctic conservation through the Weddell Sea Expedition experience
Sustainable Fishing in the Aeolians
Blue Marine Foundation
Developing the Aeolians sustainable fishing model to ensure effective marine protection in Italy
Struck by Wind
North Sea Foundation
Mobilising the Dutch wind-energy industry to tackle natural risks to the marine environment in the North Sea
Rewilding the North Sea
Wereld Natuur Fonds-Nederland
Ensuring and protecting the presence of sharks & rays in the North Sea
Balearic MPA Pride
Marilles Foundation
Improving the effectiveness of marine protected areas in the Spanish Balearics through local community engagement
Seas At Risk
Raising awareness about the need to protect and restore essential marine ecosystems
Waves of Hope
Lewis Pugh Foundation
Securing agreement for the establishment of a network of large marine reserves in Antarctica
Flotilla Grand Challenge for Our Planet
Conservation X Labs
Halting the Impact of Microfibres on Human and Planetary Health
Wayfinder Society
Promoting the participation of young people in local and global solutions to plastic pollution