Mis­sion Reuse

Natu­ur & Milieu

Cur­rent­ly, there are reuse inno­va­tions to replace sin­gle use plas­tics like cof­fee cups, meal con­tain­ers and pack­ag­ing — but the major­i­ty is not yet fea­si­ble at large scale. 

Mis­sion Reuse aims to tack­le these bar­ri­ers and make reusable the new nor­mal. It is a unique tran­si­tion pro­gramme that leads the way in the pre­ven­tion of waste with promis­ing reuse pack­ag­ing solu­tions, which allow for mul­ti­ple instead of sin­gle use. New reuse inno­va­tions are used as a pow­er­ful dri­ving force to change the mar­ket, force new leg­is­la­tion and shift con­sumer behav­iour towards a true cir­cu­lar econ­o­my with reuse at its base.

For more information visit: https://missionreuse.com/home-2/