Balearic MPA Pride

Mar­illes Foundation

Fos­ter­ing a stronger link between coastal com­mu­ni­ties and marine pro­tect­ed areas pro­vides the enabling con­di­tions that help improve all oth­er fac­tors and strength­en polit­i­cal will to bet­ter pre­serve MPAs.

The MPA Pride ini­tia­tive is part of the Mar­illes Foundation’s MPA Solu­tions Fund”, aim­ing to encour­age local engage­ment and sup­port for Marine Pro­tect­ed Areas in the Balearics by the local pop­u­la­tion. The projects aim to engage the local com­mu­ni­ties in the preser­va­tion and pro­tec­tion of the local marine habi­tats, by fos­ter­ing a sense of own­er­ship over their local waters and resources. The project works with tar­get stake­hold­er groups (fish­er­men, div­ing cen­tres, schools, local traders, NGOs) to iden­ti­fy spe­cif­ic actions that each one of them can take to become bet­ter cus­to­di­ans of their local marine environment.

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