Zero Waste Liv­ing Lab Indone­sia – Year 2


The Zero-Waste Liv­ing Lab is a 3‑year mar­ket devel­op­ment pro­gramme, build­ing on a proven sys­tem­at­ic ven­ture build­ing approach by Enviu. The pro­gramme is cen­tered around incu­bat­ing exist­ing Indone­sian busi­ness mod­els, repli­cat­ing suc­cess­ful busi­ness mod­els from abroad to Indone­sia, and ideat­ing new busi­ness mod­els to cre­ate a strong mar­ket move­ment of alter­na­tive deliv­ery solu­tions to plas­tic. The lab sources and devel­ops scal­able and finan­cial­ly viable social enter­pris­es that bring plas­tic alter­na­tives to consumers.

The Zero Waste Liv­ing Lab is work­ing towards cre­at­ing an exem­plary new mar­ket in two regions in Indone­sia — Ban­dung & Surabaya. With this mar­ket devel­op­ment approach, the aim is not only to cre­ate a local tip­ping point towards zero-waste lifestyles — but also set a region­al and glob­al exam­ple for this mar­ket being fea­si­ble and viable, with the ulti­mate proof of the ven­tures scal­ing to oth­er coun­tries in the world.

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