Surf Pro­tect­ed Area Networks

Save the Waves

Defined as a col­lec­tion of indi­vid­ual marine + coastal pro­tect­ed areas around surf­ing loca­tions” — the goal of the Surf Pro­tect­ed Areas Net­works (SPAN) is to estab­lish a sys­tem­at­ic approach to con­serv­ing large num­bers of surf ecosys­tems, util­is­ing net­works of local­ly man­aged pro­tect­ed areas that both pro­tect and are sup­port­ed by sus­tain­able surf tourism. 

Save the Waves are work­ing to estab­lish Surf Pro­tect­ed Area Net­work in the Por­tuguese Azores, in line with the great marine spa­tial plan­ning process cur­rent­ly underway.

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