Plas­tics Tracker

Plan­et Tracker

The Plas­tics Track­er project sheds light on the plas­tics sec­tor, by map­ping glob­al plas­tics sup­ply chain financ­ing and trade flows, seek­ing to inform key play­ers – investors, ana­lysts, asset own­ers, asset man­agers, cor­po­rates – so they can deploy cap­i­tal to mit­i­gate these finan­cial risks while decreas­ing the impact that plas­tics pol­lu­tion pos­es to both human and envi­ron­men­tal health. 

Plan­et Track­er is devel­op­ing evi­dence-based analy­sis, which illus­trates for investors strate­gies for tran­si­tion of the plas­tics indus­try towards sus­tain­able sourc­ing, use, cir­cu­lar­i­ty and end-of-life solu­tions — which increase both prof­itabil­i­ty for the indus­try and its investors and ben­e­fits soci­etal stakeholders. 

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