Towards Plas­tic-Free Health­care in Europe 2.0

Health Care With­out Harm

Health­care With­out Harm aims to mobilise the health­care sec­tor in Europe to become a leader in the world­wide move­ment for solu­tions to plas­tic pol­lu­tion, and reduce dam­age to human and envi­ron­men­tal health from plas­tics used in healthcare.

In the sec­ond year of their project, HCWH will inves­ti­gate the use of plas­tics and the asso­ci­at­ed val­ue chains in Euro­pean health­care, to reveal the oppor­tu­ni­ties and bar­ri­ers for increas­ing cir­cu­lar­i­ty and reduc­ing plas­tic use, and edu­cate health­care pro­fes­sion­als and pro­cur­ers on the envi­ron­men­tal and health impacts of plas­tics and on the solu­tions avail­able in line with the waste hierarchy.

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