The Flotil­la Foun­da­tion is a reg­is­tered char­i­ty, with a mis­sion to enhance mankind’s rela­tion­ship with our marine envi­ron­ment, to cre­ate a long-term sus­tain­able future for the planet.


Approx­i­mate­ly 70% of the sur­face of the earth is water — yet oceans and seas are some of the least under­stood, explored, mapped and analysed parts of our environment. 


What we do know is that our oceans have been heav­i­ly exploit­ed, degrad­ed and suf­fered irrev­o­ca­ble change, despite the fact that we are all depen­dent on this ecosys­tem for our sur­vival and well-being. This set of chal­lenges fac­ing our oceans is daunting.


How­ev­er, we have an oppor­tu­ni­ty now more than ever before to bet­ter under­stand changes under­way with­in our ocean sys­tems, to pro­tect pris­tine marine envi­ron­ments, to restore degrad­ed marine habi­tats and to raise aware­ness around the world to the plight of the Oceans. The Flotil­la Foun­da­tion is com­mit­ted to enhanc­ing mankind’s rela­tion­ship with our marine envi­ron­ment, to cre­ate a long-term sus­tain­able future for the planet.

Read about our approach

Fea­tured projects