Sus­tain­able Fish­ing in the Aeolians

Blue Marine Foundation

Blue Marine’s ambi­tion is to improve marine man­age­ment in the Ital­ian Aeo­lian Islands through bet­ter pro­tec­tion and bet­ter local fish­ing prac­tices. Blue Marine is look­ing to intro­duce the fish­eries & con­ser­va­tion mod­el devel­oped in Lyme Bay, to allow small-scale fish­er­men to improve their liveli­hoods, while reduc­ing their impact on the marine envi­ron­ment — a win-win for sus­tain­able fish­ing and marine protection. 

Blue Marine part­ners with local sci­en­tif­ic organ­i­sa­tions to doc­u­ment the base­line and post-project con­di­tions of habi­tats, fish stocks and socioe­co­nom­ics to prove that the mod­el effects change. Through edu­ca­tion, they help coastal com­mu­ni­ties to under­stand and man­age their marine resources — which is essen­tial for healthy marine areas. 

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