Wayfind­er Society


Algali­ta aims to unite young peo­ple, non­prof­its, and influ­encers across geo­graph­i­cal bound­aries by gam­i­fy­ing” par­tic­i­pa­tion in local and glob­al solu­tions to plas­tic pollution.

Stu­dents cre­ate a sim­ple account on the Wayfind­er Soci­ety online plat­form. Once logged in, par­tic­i­pants (or Wayfind­ers) are encour­aged to explore Way­marks, or action items. Wayfind­er Soci­ety offers stu­dents a chance to earn incen­tives for accom­plish­ing var­i­ous goals set forth by the Wayfind­er team. The project chal­lenges young peo­ple to think beyond today’s short-term solu­tions and become immersed in learn­ing that cul­ti­vates future thinking. 

For more information visit: https://algalita.org/