Towards Plas­tic-Free Health­care in Europe

Health Care With­out Harm

Health­care With­out Harm aims to mobilise the health­care sec­tor in Europe to become a leader in the world­wide move­ment for solu­tions to plas­tic pollution. 

HCWH con­ducts research into the cat­e­gories and quan­ti­ties of plas­tics that Euro­pean hos­pi­tals use and dis­pose of at their facil­i­ties. Using the results of this research, HCWH experts edu­cate hos­pi­tal staff on the health and envi­ron­men­tal impacts of their plas­tic use and sug­gest actions to reduce its harm­ful effects. The project stim­u­lates inno­v­a­tive prob­lem solv­ing for sin­gle-use plas­tics (med­ical and non-med­ical) and unsus­tain­able dis­pos­al meth­ods, par­tic­u­lar­ly through mobil­is­ing demand for sus­tain­able plas­tic and pack­ag­ing alter­na­tives with­in Euro­pean markets.

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