Thriv­ing fish­ers, thriv­ing oceans

Blue Ven­tures

Blue Ven­tures sup­ports coastal fish­ers in remote and rur­al com­mu­ni­ties across the trop­ics to rebuild fish­eries, restore ocean life and build last­ing path­ways to pros­per­i­ty. This project will expand their work into West Africa for the first time, start­ing with a focus on Sene­gal and the Gam­bia, before expand­ing to Sier­ra Leone, Guinea Bis­sau and Cameroon. 

They will cre­ate and strength­en strate­gic part­ner­ships with com­mu­ni­ty-focused organ­i­sa­tions and deci­sion-mak­ers, and work with them to design, scale, strength­en and sus­tain local­ly led fish­eries and man­grove man­age­ment and con­ser­va­tion. As part of a grow­ing glob­al advo­ca­cy move­ment, they will also tack­le the under­ly­ing dri­vers of the ocean emer­gency, such as destruc­tive indus­tri­al fish­ing prac­tices that threat­en coastal ecosys­tems and livelihoods.

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