The Balearics as a World Ref­er­ence of Marine Conservation

Mar­illes Foundation

Mar­illes aims to restore vul­ner­a­ble habi­tats and species, increase fish stocks, and build cli­mate resilience in the Balearics, by estab­lish­ing marine pro­tect­ed areas and tran­si­tion­ing towards sus­tain­able fish­eries. The Mediter­ranean Sea is warm­ing faster than oth­er regions of the plan­et and it has some of the most over­ex­ploit­ed fish stocks in the world. It is also con­sid­ered the most dan­ger­ous sea for sharks to swim in, as their pop­u­la­tions have dimin­ished mas­sive­ly. The project will unlock the poten­tial that key sec­tors and cit­i­zens can play to improve the marine envi­ron­ment in the Balearics. By engag­ing with and mobil­is­ing com­mu­ni­ties at local and sec­tor lev­el (i.e., hotels, restau­rants, fish­er­men, divers, researchers, NGO mem­bers, etc.) — sup­port can be built for actions on the ground. The team will work on improv­ing and expand­ing MPAs; work with fish­er­men to tran­si­tion towards sus­tain­able fish­eries; and help restore vul­ner­a­ble habi­tats (shal­low water bays) and species (shark and rays and marine mammals).

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