Struck by Wind

North Sea Foundation

The accel­er­at­ed growth in off­shore wind farms in the North Sea pos­es a real threat to marine ecosys­tems. Risk mit­i­ga­tion will allow for a clean and healthy North Sea, in which both nature and off­shore wind ener­gy thrive. A con­cert­ed and col­lab­o­ra­tive approach, deployed ear­ly, can find viable, fea­si­ble and effec­tive solu­tions to sup­port the expan­sion of off­shore wind while also pro­vid­ing sig­nif­i­cant ecosys­tem restora­tion ser­vices and tools to lim­it and mit­i­gate their neg­a­tive impacts. 

The North Sea Foun­da­tion is con­duct­ing a one-year research project to define the most urgent known eco­log­i­cal risks of off­shore wind farms in the North Sea. Togeth­er with experts and sci­en­tists, the project defines mit­i­gat­ing mea­sures, looks for ways to spark inno­va­tion and iden­ti­fies pio­neers in the field of under­stand­ing eco­log­i­cal risks to wind tur­bines at sea. 

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