Secur­ing ambi­tious glob­al action to reduce pes­ti­cide harms

Pes­ti­cides Action Net­work UK

Pan-UK aims to secure ambi­tious glob­al action to reduce pes­ti­cide harms to human health and the envi­ron­ment. Over the next two years, key inter­na­tion­al pol­i­cy process­es on cli­mate, bio­di­ver­si­ty and chem­i­cals will be nego­ti­at­ed, which will set the ambi­tion for glob­al action on pes­ti­cides until at least 2030. These process­es present the best oppor­tu­ni­ty in years to reduce reliance on pes­ti­cides, increase the adop­tion of more sus­tain­able approach­es and accel­er­ate the phase out of the most dan­ger­ous High­ly Haz­ardous Pes­ti­cides (HHPs).

This project will be track­ing pes­ti­cides issues with­in key glob­al process­es and pro­vid­ing evi­dence-based argu­ments for ambi­tious tar­gets and goals, which will ampli­fy the right mes­sages and increase engage­ment with nation­al governments.

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