Rewil­d­ing the North Sea

Wereld Natu­ur Fonds-Nederland

The North Sea ecosys­tem was once full of life, with an extreme­ly rich fau­na from the small­est shell­fish to the largest preda­tors like sharks and rays. Nowa­days, the sys­tem is degrad­ed due to human use. WNF aims to ensure and enlarge the pres­ence of sharks and rays in the North Sea by pro­tect­ing them, restor­ing their habi­tats, and rein­tro­duc­ing them to the habitat.

This project con­tributes to the restora­tion of North Sea nature by advanc­ing sci­en­tif­ic under­stand­ing of sharks and rays, build­ing pub­lic aware­ness and sup­port­ing man­age­ment mea­sures like MPAs for charis­mat­ic megafau­na. This com­bined approach is com­ple­ment­ed and strength­ened by the per­for­mance of an actu­al breed­ing and release pro­gramme, which brings under­wa­ter nature to a broad­er share of society.

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