Paper Parks


Despite EU claims that it has pro­tect­ed 10% of marine and coastal areas, the real­i­ty is that many Euro­pean Marine Pro­tect­ed Areas are mere­ly lines drawn on maps: paper parks’ that do not pro­vide effec­tive or suf­fi­cient protection. 

Oceana’s Paper Parks project aims to ensure that the EU and nation­al gov­ern­ments intro­duce the nec­es­sary mea­sures turn­ing marine paper parks’ into real pro­tect­ed areas, by con­duct­ing a thor­ough base­line research inves­ti­ga­tion, and analysing mul­ti­ple datasets on pro­tect­ed areas, marine bio­di­ver­si­ty and threats across Euro­pean seas. Unveil­ing the cur­rent state of pro­tec­tion across Euro­pean MPAs, the results obtained through this research inves­ti­ga­tion will lay a firm foun­da­tion for tack­ling the most press­ing man­age­ment issues with­in Euro­pean MPAs. 

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