Hold­ing Retail­ers Account­able for Plas­tic Pollution

Break Free from Plastic

Build­ing upon the suc­cess of the brand audit cam­paign, BFFP aim to esca­late pres­sure on strate­gic gro­cery retail­ers and secure their pub­lic sup­port for and invest­ment in reusable and refill­able alter­na­tives — con­tribut­ing to the enabling envi­ron­ment for top pol­luters to fol­low suit. The project will increase the rep­u­ta­tion­al (and con­se­quent­ly finan­cial) risk to the gro­cery retail­er com­pa­nies — to the point where they agree/​are forced to sub­stan­tial­ly change their busi­ness mod­el to reuse and refill sys­tems. In this way, ensur­ing that gro­cery retail­ers and big brands are held account­able for reduc­ing the demand for throw­away plas­tic. By lead­ing the devel­op­ment of new demands, a new engage­ment tac­tic, and sup­port­ing mate­ri­als — the team will lay the nec­es­sary ground­work for mem­ber organ­i­sa­tions to devel­op their own cam­paigns, esca­lat­ing pres­sure on gro­cery retail­ers in their coun­tries to pledge pub­lic sup­port for and invest­ment in reuse and refill sys­tems, in effect expand­ing the movement’s ongo­ing work tar­get­ing big brands from a new angle.

For more information visit: https://www.breakfreefromplastic.org/