Flotil­la Grand Chal­lenge for Our Planet

Con­ser­va­tion X Labs

Microplas­tics are in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. 35% of pri­ma­ry microplas­tics in the ocean come from syn­thet­ic tex­tiles, like appar­el, shoes, and home tex­tiles. These are called microfibres. 

Con­ser­va­tion X Labs aims to lead the glob­al effort to halt the impact of microfi­bres and per­sis­tent organ­ic com­pounds, to improve ocean, ani­mal, and human health. The Flotil­la Grand Chal­lenge pro­vides prize mon­ey to inno­va­tors that have solu­tions to stop microfi­bres from enter­ing the envi­ron­ment and caus­ing harm to wildlife, ecosys­tems, and humans — award­ing $500,000 to win­ning inno­va­tions address­ing microfi­bre & syn­thet­ic tex­tile pollution.

After the most promis­ing inno­va­tions are iden­ti­fied through the Chal­lenge process, Con­ser­va­tion X Labs will work with part­ners to advance the devel­op­ment and deploy­ment of the most promis­ing innovations.

For more information visit: https://conservationxlabs.com/