Fight­ing Against For­ev­er Chemicals’

Water­shed Investigations

Pub­lic health, fresh­wa­ter and marine wildlife are threat­ened because of PFAS (for­ev­er’ chem­i­cals), which are ubiq­ui­tous in the envi­ron­ment and will remain in it for cen­turies. These are hor­mone dis­rupt­ing and have been linked to a range of dis­eases includ­ing can­cers, infer­til­i­ty and immunotoxicity.

There are three main ele­ments of the project. The first involves work­ing with lead­ing sci­en­tists to iden­ti­fy pol­luters and PFAS hotspots across the UK, reveal­ing its impacts on peo­ple, fresh­wa­ter and marine wildlife. 

Sec­ond, work­ing with Euro­pean jour­nal­ists to look at what the indus­try has known about the health and envi­ron­men­tal effects of PFAS and how it is resist­ing attempts at stricter reg­u­la­tion of the sub­stances across the EU, where the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion is con­sid­er­ing reg­u­lat­ing all 10,000+ sub­stances as one class. Final­ly, they will exam­ine the UK government’s actions to tack­le PFAS pol­lu­tion. The work will cul­mi­nate in a series of exclu­sives pub­lished with main­stream media across print, dig­i­tal and broad­cast formats.

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