Dog­ger Bank Jus­tice and Restoration

Sticht­ing Doggerland

Dog­ger­land aim to turn the tide on Europe’s degrad­ing seas by com­bin­ing a legal and restora­tion strat­e­gy on the Dog­ger Bank, an area pro­filed as the emblem­at­ic case for fail­ing Euro­pean marine pro­tec­tion. They will set strong legal prece­dents and restora­tion ambi­tions for the Dog­ger Bank Marine Pro­tect­ed Areas (MPAs) to cre­ate impe­tus for improved pro­tec­tion, regen­er­a­tion and resilience of the North Sea’s bio­di­ver­si­ty and seabed cli­mate buffers.

Dog­ger­land will work with inter­na­tion­al NGO coali­tions to build on the legal and restora­tion ground­work. Over the next 3 years, the legal work will pro­voke court rul­ings to cre­ate the space for nature and jurispru­dence, in order to take the first steps to imple­ment a restora­tion plan and active restora­tion efforts. In the restora­tion work, they will chal­lenge con­ser­va­tion ambi­tions through an inte­grat­ed restora­tion plan at seascape lev­el that will include con­crete active restora­tion inter­ven­tions. Restora­tion at seascape lev­el is at the lev­el of inter­act­ing ecosys­tems, the scale of func­tion­al eco­log­i­cal process­es and across a vast area, includ­ing per­ma­nent habi­tat fea­tures such as a sub­merged sand­bank, rocky reefs and across var­i­ous depth gradients.

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