Clean Waters Now

Natu­ur & Milieu

The Netherland’s waters are some of the most pol­lut­ed in the EU. Cur­rent Dutch agri­cul­ture prac­tices and the inten­sive way the land is cul­ti­vat­ed are on a vicious cycle, requir­ing more and more pes­ti­cides and fer­til­iz­ers just to keep the arti­fi­cial­ly high lev­el of productivity. 

High lev­els of pes­ti­cides decrease the qual­i­ty of the soil, short­en the lifes­pan of the soil and the ben­e­fi­cial insects which are essen­tial for good and sus­tain­able pro­duc­tiv­i­ty lev­els. Farm­ers that try work­ing with alter­na­tive and low risk crop pro­tect­ing mea­sures have high­er costs. This finan­cial dis­ad­van­tage of nature inclu­sive farm­ing is hold­ing the nec­es­sary tran­si­tion away from pes­ti­cide use back.

By cre­at­ing and advo­cat­ing for a tax mod­el that pro­vides good rev­enues and is sup­port­ed by leg­is­la­tion, Natu­ur & Milieu aim to give farm­ers the tools they need to reduce harm­ful chem­i­cals with­out tak­ing high finan­cial risks and to pro­vide them with a future-proof busi­ness plan.

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